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Animal Without Drinking Water

Animals That Can Survive Without Water


Many people often assume the camel to be the epitome example of an animal that can survive without water and while to some extent they can, there are several other animals that are far more adept at surviving in arid environments without drinking water.

The Kangaroo Rat

The kangaroo rat is a small rodent that lives in the deserts of North America. It never has to drink water, as it gets all the moisture it needs from the seeds it eats. The kangaroo rat's kidneys are very efficient at conserving water, and it can produce urine that is more concentrated than seawater.

The Giraffe

The giraffe is a large mammal that lives in the savannas of Africa. It can go up to 21 days without a drink. The giraffe extracts moisture from the plants it eats, particularly acacia leaves.

The Desert Tortoise

The desert tortoise is a reptile that lives in the deserts of the southwestern United States. It can survive for years without drinking any water. The desert tortoise gets most of its moisture from the food it eats, which includes plants, insects, and snails.
